511 Full Circle

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Our God is the God of full circle. He is always at work to bring all things together for good. He is forever using mayhem for miracles and destruction for destiny. He is the one who creates beauty from ashes, and he’s also the God who allows the fire to first create the ashes before he forms the beauty. Sometimes we see that full circle evidence the same week, and sometimes it takes 25 years. Regardless of the time it takes to see it and recognize it, the truth is, God is still using all things for good and bringing us full circle.<br> On Friday, I took one of those classic jumping pictures you’ve likely seen of mine. It’s not that I can jump high, it’s that I understand angle. I know the right angle of the camera along with perfect timing of a video screen shot will capture a below average jump and make it look impressive. I’ve taken hundreds of these jumping photos and taught thousands of others my tricks, but this particular photo on Friday captured a full circle moment.<br> Behind me in the photo was Memorial Medical Center. A hospital in Savannah, Georgia. The hospital where 25 years ago God used the hands of doctors and nurses to save my life. The hospital where a blood clot was discovered, lodged in the stem of my brain causing a massive stroke. The hospital where I was carried in by my newlywed husband, but unsure if I would ever come back out. The very place where that young soldier helped feed and bathe his 19 year old bride. The halls where I learned how to walk again.<br> And now, here I am 25 years later, whole, healthy and restored, jumping for a photo. Jumping because God has done a work in my life. Jumping because it was all used for good. Jumping because what started here was dang messy, but what is now here is my message. Jumping because I can, and that was God!<br> God is always at work to bring us full circle. He uses what was once broken to break strongholds today. He uses what once hurt us to bring full healing now that reaches beyond us into the lives of others.<br> If there’s ever been a full circle story, it would be Moses. He was born into a world of trouble and chaos where every baby boy was to be killed by the Egyptians. So his mother hid him in a basket and sent him floating down the Nile River. There on the river, the daughter of the Pharoah of Egypt found baby Moses and took him in as her own. She would need someone to feed the baby and guess who she found … a woman who had just given birth but had lost her child. She had the ability to feed her new found baby. Guess who that woman was … that’s right the little mama who had sent him down the river to save his life. Now here she is in the palace, helping raise her son. Full circle.<br> But wait, there are bigger circles at work here. Oh girl, you know sometimes we see little circles where God is working, but we have no idea the bigger circles he’s still working on! There’s something so much bigger than you in the works, but it involves you and it involves your hardship. You just can’t see it yet.<br> Moses grows up in Egypt, but he has a heart for his birth people, the Israelites who are slaves here. And when God is ready to lead the Israelites out of slavery to freedom, who does he use? Moses. The baby who Pharaoh himself had ordered to kill. The baby who became his grandson. The baby who is now rising up as a leader and changing the destiny of thousands.<br> God used Moses.<br> But first, there was a mama who feared for the life of her baby and had to let him go. And there was a God who saw it all and allowed it to happen. He saw her tears. He heard her cries. He saw her act of sacrifice as she let that basket float down the river. A river infested with the most deadly snakes in the world. And all this time, he had a plan. He had a plan to use it all for good. He had a plan to bring it full circle.<br>