Episode 129: Keeping the music alive - Pablo Estigarribia

Joe's Tango podcast show

Summary: My guest today is an internationally acclaimed tango pianist, arranger, and composer. He started studying classical music in early childhood, and in 2005, he won 1st prize at the “Bienal Juvenil” National Competition for Young Artists. From there, he performed for several years, and collaborated with a number of high profile orchestras in Argentina. Upon discovering tango, today’s guest was awarded with the Orquesta Escuela de Tango scholarship, and joined the ensemble under the leadership of the legendary Emilio Balcarce. As a tango musician, he performed in over 1000 concerts in Europe, North America, and Asia. In 2015, he won the prestigious Gardel prize for Best Tango Album by a New Artist with his album Tangos Para Piano. He has performed and collaborated with legendary tango musicians, including a decade composing and arranging with Victor Lavallén, who was Osvaldo Pugliese’s arranger. There are a ton of other accomplishments I could list, but I’ll probably kill my wrists if I keep typing them. But needless to say, my guest today is a titan in the world of tango music, and I’m really excited to have him on the show! Let's meet Pablo Estigarribia... More on Pablo here: Website: https://www.pabloestigarribia.com/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7qOKkxiEeZ51AelceoHgID Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrPabloestigarribia/videos?view_as=subscriber Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pabloestigarribiaok/ Help support Joe’s Tango podcast – You can make a secure donation here via Paypal: http://bit.ly/2T4woBP Or here via Subscribestar: https://www.subscribestar.com/tangopodcast