Episode 330 – Caston Thomas, Internet Advisor, Dave Sucks at Event Scheduling

IT in the D show

Summary: IMPORTANT NOTE: due to Dave not paying attention, the networking event this month is on the 23rd at Detroit City Distillery.  We know, it's always 3rd Thursday... he screwed up, it's a thing, move on.  That being said, tonight we're joined by Caston Thomas to chat about our recent appearance on the Internet Advisor show, as well as an upcoming seminar series he's doing about securing iOT devices and networks that you probably want to pay attention to...<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Happy patch Tuesday. This a special recording of the IT in the D show recording a day late. But that's all right. We've got a special guest in the studio Caston Thomas in the house. We're going to be talking about all of the fun stuff that you, a and security that we just got off on. WJR to go home and home are thrilling experience on am radio. Yeah, yeah. We were talking about that and talking about security and property security. Uh, you know what, Dave, you may fire when ready going on. Thanks for hanging out. This is the one and only it in the D show. Broadcasting live here in studio three and podcast. He traded beautiful Royal Oak. Michigan has chaos. May have it happens. They say, is Bob the sales guy? That was Dave the geek. Randy. I do. The Twitters is doing the Twitters.<br> <br> Find a some ways. Find us online it in the D. dot com. Do us a favor, give us a like on the socials and subscribe to us everywhere. Fine podcasts are sold. And so because I'm an idiot and I freely own it and I admit it. Uh, so the meetup for this month was not set up for the third Thursday. It was set up for the fourth Thursday. So it is not this Thursday. It is next Thursday, the 23rd. Uh, it will be at Detroit city distillery. Come on out. Hang. Should be a fun night. Love the venue. Love the liquor. It's a good time. I'm not gonna lie, it's big coming. Extremely difficult to book a venue in this town. It is, and we've talked about this for two years now. We're like, you know, places that, you know, we went for, you know, six, seven, eight years when nobody cared about them and nobody went there.<br> <br> All of a sudden now they want, they got the a, they got the no, because they've got somebody booked a holiday play there and now they think everybody's got 1000 bucks an hour. My ass Russell, they booked an M and M video and how they think they can get top dollar, but like I called a, it's a new retro bowling alley in Royal Oak. That's shall not be named that has pull in the name. Um, I'm only like 200 bucks an hour just to show up. No food. No, I'm good. Thanks. It's kind of like, Hey, and I said, we can always just crash a joint. Right? Yeah. But I don't want to do that because then we, you know, the people ask, the thing is you need to have buy in from the front desk. Like, Hey, I'm here for it in the day. True. Whoa. What?<br> <br> Yeah. Um, so like I go, Hey, there's going to be like 30 to 50 and flash mobs or so, 2001 we don't, do they need to die? Well, they know. I say this is the way I set it up. I go, we don't charge because here's the thing, I can understand what the venue is when you charge. Like, Hey, I'm going to use your 50 bucks to walk in the door and then I charge you 20 bucks. Like kiss my ass. Yeah. But I'm saying, Hey, we don't charge cover. We don't take sponsors. There's no speakers. Everyone's on their own for food and whatever they want to order. Um, we just need someplace to hang out. Yeah. Okay. It'll be 200 bucks an hour. Like for, for, for, for what? Bye-bye. Yeah, exactly. Cause you're so crowded on a random Thursday night that you can't use the additional business, you know, then smell you in the window. You know, if you're, if you're, if you know someone that's a bar owner, like literally that would want us reach out to us. Please. We're glad to hear about it. These phone calls, it's ridiculous. Like, or we'll just keep doing all of our events at whiskey in the jar. It'll be that simple.