Episode 329 – More Star Wars, Guinness World Record Online Gaming Guild

IT in the D show

Summary: Welcome to our first episode of 2020, and we kick things off talking a little more Star Wars (because why wouldn't we), as well as diving in with James Allison... who's not only a geek and can talk sci-fi with the best of us, but has the distinction of being a Guinness World Record holder for the longest running online gaming guild, so we naturally have a lot of questions and it's a pretty interesting chat about the entire process and what he had to go through...<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Hey, welcome back. Thank you for clicking play. Happy new year. It's 2020. This is the one only it in the D show episode. Bob. Yeah, I told you I'd see it next year. Um, this is episode three 29. We've got an awesome guest in the house. Uh, Uber nerd. Jim Alison is in the house. He has a Guinness record. I think it's our only guest we've ever had it as a Guinness record and it is for something you wouldn't think. A humble guy, pinball guy. And Jim has won four of the longest running uh, online gaming Guild. So the way you, we're going to have a fun time talking about, uh, online gaming and memos. I know it's just going to be amazing. And uh, Dave, you may fire when ready.<br> <br> You're listening to the podcast. Detroit network. Visit www.podcastdetroit.com for more information.<br> <br> Thank you for clicking play. It feels like we haven't done this in like two weeks cause it's been two weeks. Got it. Feels like it hasn't been like a year. Speaking of which, I have seen the happy new year. Happy doing it. This is the one that only it and that each show broadcasting live here in studio one in podcast Detroit in beautiful Royal Oak, Michigan. This is Bob the sales guy. That is Dave the geek. Randy. I'm doing the Twitters is doing the Twitters. Find us online@itinthed.com and do us a favor. Give us a like on the socials and subscribe to us everywhere. Fine podcasts are sold. All right, so even though like you're not the point guy anymore and Arbor is still tomorrow. Yeah. Greg and Greg are tomorrow a haymaker so check them out for the first one. Thing two will be at haymaker.<br> <br> Yeah, and we've got to talk. Dave and I got to talk, or Randy, you can talk to with us, figuring out our year schedule. There's a few places around town that I wanted to have our offense. Chelsea's not at embryo anymore. I haven't talked to her in a while. Do you pay attention? Eh? Yeah. I've only been in the hospital since like November. You've had nothing. You had nothing to do with pay attention to people's Facebook updates, movies to eighties movies to watch star Wars movies to see. So speaking of, I will say a dude. So I have binged the hell out of like Disney plus I am getting every Penny's worth out of that. I ignored clone Wars and rebels when it came out. I did a kind of end sorta like Battlestar Galactica. I regret doing so now James almost one. Yes. Without a guy I want to do, we could do with these key and dude remember how like I was like, I was like, no, I'm not watching it.<br> <br> It's a remake. Screw you. I'm not. And then I watched it. I was like, when it came on BBC and I was like, Oh Oh that was really good. I'm mad I didn't watch it. They are doing clone Wars is really good. I was taping all of them. I was watching them and then I was like kind of watching them half-assed. Then I didn't get into it. And by like the pop culture constipation where like the backlog was just too much to push out. Yes, clear my watch Q but there's just chosen considering giving up on like the termed reboot. Season two just really has a common interest. Riverdale season four is a hot mess. Like the whole show has been a hot mess. I'll never forget I was doing work on my laptop and my daughter, my 12 year old daughter, she might've been 10 at the time and all I keep hearing is Archie and Veronica and Jughead.<br> <br> Right. And I'm like, what? And I look over and it looks like like nine Oh two one on Twilight a...