IFB134: Skin in the Game Book Review

The Investing for Beginners Podcast - Your Path to Financial Freedom show

Summary: <br> Announcer:                        <a href="https://www.temi.com/editor/t/PL42xHm2qzfHWPSF-BJvuI-XC37NQhCV5rLPTgBfidEkly8la8ohKgh4pESvOZ_DZgab2bq3w6jPt05btnXC3wRWKbg?loadFrom=DocumentDeeplink&amp;ts=0.63">00:00</a>                     You’re<br> tuned in to the Investing for Beginners podcast. Finally, step by step premium<br> investment guidance for beginners led by Andrew Sather and Dave Ahern. To decode<br> industry jargon, silence crippling confusion and help you overcome emotions by<br> looking at the numbers, your path to financial freedom starts now.<br> <br> <br> <br> New<br> Speaker:                   <a href="https://www.temi.com/editor/t/PL42xHm2qzfHWPSF-BJvuI-XC37NQhCV5rLPTgBfidEkly8la8ohKgh4pESvOZ_DZgab2bq3w6jPt05btnXC3wRWKbg?loadFrom=DocumentDeeplink&amp;ts=35.97">00:35</a>                     All<br> right folks welcome to Investing for Beginners podcast episode 134 tonight<br> we’re going to do a book review. I’m going to talk about it, a book that I read<br> recently and we’ll kind of go over some notes that I took on the book and<br> Andrew and I will talk a little bit about it. So the name of the book is called<br> Skin in the Game. Nassim Tabel wrote it. Now, if you have not read any of his<br> books, this is his fifth installment of the Incerto series. So he’s also<br> written, saw other fantastic books like a Black Swan Antifragile as skin in the<br> game as it is a most recent one. That’s the one that I’ve read. I have not read<br> the other four yet. Andrew, have you read any of his books?<br> <br> <br> <br> Andrew:                              <a href="https://www.temi.com/editor/t/PL42xHm2qzfHWPSF-BJvuI-XC37NQhCV5rLPTgBfidEkly8la8ohKgh4pESvOZ_DZgab2bq3w6jPt05btnXC3wRWKbg?loadFrom=DocumentDeeplink&amp;ts=78.17">01:18</a>                     I’ve<br> done some of Black Swan [inaudible]. He’s like a fascinating guy’s got a lot of<br> great ideas. People Revere him because when he wrote Black Swan, I think it was<br> right before either the 2010 flash crash or the 2008, 2009 bear market. But the<br> gist of it is that people try to reduce risk in the market and, but they’re<br> investing, but they don’t think of what it is called, like a Sigma six-event or<br> something. They don’t think of that Black Swan. The unprecedented event that<br> we’ve never seen. And all it takes is that to wipe out all the other smarts and<br> gains that you’ve had. And you know, the timing of that book was great. The<br> theories in the book and everything like that is really good. And that’s<br> something that, especially, I think as the internet goes on and on and on, and<br> I’ll stop going on and on and on about it.<br> <br> <br> <br> Andrew:                              <a href="https://www.temi.com/editor/t/PL42xHm2qzfHWPSF-BJvuI-XC37NQhCV5rLPTgBfidEkly8la8ohKgh4pESvOZ_DZgab2bq3w6jPt05btnXC3wRWKbg?loadFrom=DocumentDeeplink&amp;ts=141.56">02:21</a>                   ...