Content with Whatever

Parenting Today’s Teens show

Summary: #2168 Let me ask you a question. Are you content with whatever your teen wants to do with his or her life? Hi, I’m Mark Gregston… with Parenting Today’s Teens. Teens often feel that they can’t live up to their parents’ expectations. In their mind, it’s just impossible… even if your hopes are totally reasonable. So let me ask the question again. Will you be authentically content with whatever they tell you they want to do in life? After all your hard work to get them where you think they need to be, will you be happy if they decide to pursue something other than your personal preference? It’s wise to begin talking about expectations …both from your perspective, and from your teen’s point of view. Develop a heart for your teen’s desires… even if it’s not what you’d prefer. It’s the key to keeping your relationship with your child authentic, growing and healthy.