498 New Level of Living

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Are you ready for what God has made available to you in 2020? Have you prepared yourself for the next level of living?<br> Think of your life like a video game. There are levels of the game. No one ever gets through a level in one try. You try, you fail and you try again. You keep trying until you learn the challenges of the current level and you conquer them. Then, the next level is made available to you. And what do you do when you get there? You fail again, and you learn.<br> The only way to level up in this life is to learn the challenges and conquer them. God has a next level of living available to you in 2020.<br> My kids taught me about hacks you can buy in games now to rack up the points, acquire the weapons, and skip ahead to new levels. Hacks. Shortcuts. Secrets to success made faster and easier. Free game apps on our cell phones are worth millions of dollars … how? The sale of hacks. You don’t have to earn it, you can just buy it.<br> How did the makers of these games know their free apps would be a goldmine of money … because they know human nature. We’re all looking for the hack. How can I get to the next level faster and easier, without continuing to battle the level I’m on? We are so susceptible to the magic pill, the quick fix, the overnight rich. Who remembers the vibrating belts everyone wanted for Christmas about 10 years ago because they would magically give you abs without a single sit-up. Hmmmm … where are those today? Now we can just paint on the muscles and definition … it’s called contouring.<br> We want to be better. We want to level up. We want more. But how do we get it?<br> Let me tell you WHY we so desperately seek that next level of living and that advancement from where we currently are … are you ready for this?<br> BECAUSE WE WERE MADE FOR MORE.<br> WE HAVE MORE IN US.<br> Our souls are crying out for more because we were never meant to settle for our current level of life. We are meant to move forward. We are made to conquer.<br> BUT YOU DON’T HAVE TO CHEAT YOUR WAY THERE.<br> Within you is already everything you need to move to the next level of living. Within you is already everything needed to overcome and conquer the challenges you currently face. It’s already in you.<br> How am I so sure? As a follower of Christ, you have Christ living IN YOU. Honey, that’s what I would call FULLY EQUIPPED! The power of God resides in you. Remember Ephesians 3: 20 “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”<br> In Joshua chapter 5 we read about God causing the walls of Jericho to crumble. Walls which had kept people out. Walls which could not be scaled and could not be torn down. Impossible walls … and God caused them to crumble with nothing more than marching around them and blowing trumpets. If the power of God can causes walls to fall, don’t you think that same power can cause your walls to fall? Those walls that you’ve run head on into and can’t seem to overcome … The struggle you’ve faced and felt defeated over … The habit you just can’t see to break … Will you trust the power of God living in you to start breaking down those walls in 2020? Will you be ready to step into a land you’ve never seen before? Are you prepared to breakthrough to the next level?<br> You’ve been playing little, surrendering to the defeat of your current level. May I remind you, that defeat was never meant to knock you out of the game. That defeat was meant to be your teacher, showing you what doesn’t work, therefore leading you to what does. Every struggle you’ve faced this year has served a purpose … a refining purpose. Don’t let the hardships of 2019 go to waste. Now it’s time to use those hardships to conquer this level a...