7 Small practical disciplines that lead to massive results.

CCL Show | Personal Development using Astro-Numerology show

Summary: Reading Time: &lt; 1 minuteIf you want to experience massive forward movement in your life, there are simple steps you can use to get you going. On today’s show we <a href="https://coreconfidencelife.com/speaking/">speak</a> to a transformation coach who outlines his seven steps to massive change.<br> These seven steps, or disciplines will set you up for success in life.<br> For example….<br> <br> * Discipline 2. Decision making. We talk about the importance of strong decision making skills.<br> * Discipline 4. The discipline of excellence. The way you approach everything you do.<br> <br> Find out all 7, and challenge yourself to do one or two or six….<br> Author, Speaker, Transformation Coach, Phinehas Kanuthia<br> <br> * <br> <a href="https://www.phinehask.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">WWW.PhinehasK.COM</a><br> <br> * <br> <a href="https://www.phinehask.com/product/becoming-the-best-you" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Book: Becoming The Best You by Phinehas Kanuthia</a><br> <br> <br> * Twitter, Instagram, Facebook = PhinehasK<br> <br> <br> Challenge yourself to become your best self!<br>