Mindset Monday: Your Private Practice Logo

Private Practice Success Stories show

Summary: <p><strong>Summary</strong></p><p>Whether or not you have a logo, this is an episode for you. In this episode we talk about what I did when I was first starting out and how I was able to change and evolve my brand and how my logo helped in that. We also discuss the different types of logos and how to go about getting one. </p><p> </p><p><strong> In this episode we discuss </strong></p><ul> <li>The importance of a logo and how it defines your brand </li> <li>What to do if you don’t like your current logo </li> <li>What do do if you don’t currently have a logo </li> <li>Is a line of text with your business name enough? </li> <li>Does having a logo make your business look more professional?</li> </ul><br><hr><p style="color:grey;font-size:0.75em;"> See <a style="color:grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://acast.com/privacy">acast.com/privacy</a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>