PROCESS: Foundational Four of Creating a Superhero Group

Between the Slides show

Summary: I'm a comic book nerd.  I'm also a process and efficiency nerd.  Why not put them together? In this episode I share how I could use the foundational four of establishing objectives, putting together a shared organizational chart, coordinating the right resources and setting a strong communication framework can be applied to the hypothetical task of creating a superhero team. * Creating a Superhero Group * S.M.A.R.T. Objectives * Build a balanced team of heroes to protect the United States (sorry world) 24/7 * Establish activation protocols prior to the team's first deployment * Create a hero indoctrination program before team launch * Organizational Chart * Command/Sponsor: Experienced leader e.g. Captain America or Batman * Strategist: Someone to keep the team organized and within scope, e.g. Alan Quartermaine, Sgt. Rock, Nick Fury * Tank: Someone that can take punishment and lead from the front, e.g. Hulk, Thing, Colossus * Magic: Covers the unknowns and helps protect against evil magic, e.g. Scarlett Witch, John Constantine * Speedster:  Someone to provide situational awareness for the team, e.g. Flash or Quicksilver * Technologist: Have to have access to systems, information and can assist with communication, e.g. Iron Man or Cyborg * Resources * Need a base with solid defenses and information sharing capabilities * Need a mode of travel for non-flyers and teleporters * Need resupply for each hero's custom equipment * Want a written delegation of authority, e.g. CYA document for the team * Communications * Optimally a telepath to connect the team without technology * Communicator cards * Globally connected ear pieces That's how I would do it following the foundational four key elements of planning and response.  Thanks for reading this fun exercise and please give me feedback on what you think would work in a team. Kevin Kevin Pannell, PMP | | Instagram & Twitter: pannellkg | Facebook: Betweentheslides | Email: #objectives #organization #resources #communication #allhazards #superhero