481 Not What It Seems

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> There are seasons in our life where things seem to all be going wrong. Where our efforts seem to be in vain because our progress is so little. A season where the days seem so long. Are you there? Is this your current season? There’s an important word I’ve used here, and it’s a little word with potentially massive impact. You likely missed it, as we do in life. We miss the little things which can make a big difference.<br> Things SEEM to be going wrong. Your efforts SEEM to be in vain. The days SEEM so long. It may seem a certain way, but it may not actually BE this way. It may feel like it and look like it, but what if there’s so much more going on in this season of your life that you cannot see. And what if it’s all for a great purpose. A purpose that will make all of this totally worth it.<br> I’ve been on Facebook for 10 years. It’s a love/hate relationship, so I’ve learned to be very careful in how I use it. Without intentional care, I could spend my life watching you live your life and miss living mine. Over the past 10 years I have to wonder how much of my kids growing up I sacrificed because I was on my phone scrolling through photos of someone else’s kids growing up. Gosh, I really hate that.<br> But I love my Facebook memories. Even more than looking back at what I was doing in the past, I like looking back to see what I was thinking in the past. Does anyone remember back in the day when Facebook had a little writing prompt to start your posts. It would say Pamela is thinking ….<br> We were all learning how to use social media, so with this writing prompt, it seems we all documented our thoughts a little more back then. Now we just share hilarious memes. Yesterday I saw the funniest meme that said “You know you’re an adult when you watch Home Alone and wonder how much his mortgage must be.” Oh and my favorite one for Thanksgiving said “If you know you can’t cook, don’t try to learn on Thanksgiving. Open that can of cranberry sauce and sit your butt down over there.” We had to giggle over that one as my aunt not only spilled all the drippings from the turkey into the oven, she made an uneatable cranberry salad and burned her store bought pumpkin pies.<br> But my Facebook memories tell me what I was thinking 10 years ago. 10 years ago, the beginning of this decade coming to a close now. 10 years ago, this is what I said:<br> What if I’m already doing this thing right, but I’m not sure right now?<br> What if the surprises along the way are really speeding things up, even though it feels like they’re slowing me down?<br> What if all I want is barreling towards me, even though I can’t see it right now?<br> And what if when it arrives it will exceed my every expectation?<br> And now, with the gift of perspective and 10 more years of living under my belt, I look back and say YES. I couldn’t have even imagined how all things were going to work out. I couldn’t have imagined the process and the path, but God has been faithful on the journey to today. I couldn’t see it, but it was there.<br> Honey, you can’t see it right now … but it’s there.<br> It may SEEM hopeless, but it’s not. You may feel like you’re being held up and delayed, but you may very well be on the fastest track to a beautiful future. It may not look like things are coming together for you, but it may very well be barreling right towards you and you just don’t know it yet. And the dreams you have today may seem big, but maybe, just maybe, your great big God has even bigger plans.<br> Don’t be discouraged by what you see right now. Don’t be overwhelmed by your feelings today. What it “seems” is only what you can see and imagine, but 1 Corinthians 2:9 reminds us “No eye has seen, no ear has heard,