484 Rock On Girl!

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> We’re all seeking the secret to getting to the next level of life. How do you level up? How do you graduate to more? How do you get that promotion to higher grounds? How do you climb up from where you have been and taste what is available now?<br> I’m completely humbled by the journey God has taken me on in my life. Today that journey brings me to a place I could have never imagined. A place of stepping up to a microphone every morning and hosting Spotify’s number 1 devotional podcast in the world, in my country twang and funky play on words. Today I get to create adventure retreats for women and take them to beautiful places all across the country, and these retreats aren’t just fun, they change lives. I mean seriously ya’ll, I have the best job in the world!<br> That’s today … but let me tell you about the first 9 years of this decade on this journey. I struggled. Struggled hard. I created, and few listened. I hosted and little showed up. Our family often went in the red with my crazy ideas that once again fell flat.<br> BUT GOD … remember the devotional from earlier this week … BUT GOD. I struggled and I failed … BUT GOD. But God had so much more available to me … and the way there was directly through the struggle. I had to be willing to struggle right through it. Keep showing up in the failure and get better. Keep believing that maybe it would work the next time, then shake off the discouragement when it didn’t.<br> How do you get to the next level of life? How do you graduate to more? How do you get that promotion to higher grounds? How do you level up? YOUR ROCK THE CURRENT LEVEL YOU’RE ON.<br> YES, exactly where you are today, you show up with the best God has placed within you and you rock this. I truly believe the only way this simple little country girl from Ava, MO stepped up from being the french fry manager at McDonald’s to hosting the number one devotional podcast was rocking every single level of life in between. I’m going to tell you a little secret … I loved working at McDonald’s. And I’ve loved every entry level position after that. Loving your job has nothing to do with your boss or your position … it has everything to do with your perspective and attitude.<br> When you can rock your current level in life and be faithful with what is expected of you today, you prove yourself capable of more. How could we ever expect to be entrusted with more if we’re ungrateful with the offerings of today? How could we ever think we will level up if we’re not showing up exactly where we already are. You won’t magically start showing up with a better attitude when you’re promoted in life. It doesn’t work that way. And your creator knows it!<br> God laid out a plan for us in scripture. A 3 step plan to rocking life and leveling up.<br> I Corinthians 15:58 “Be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”<br> Now let’s break it down. First, be steadfast. Steadfast is from the root word SIT. In other words, you must be seated. Be settled in the truth.<br> We live very unsettled lives in an unsettled world. We are tense, uptight, anxious and always stirred up about something. And God says be steadfast – sit down – settle down. Be RELAXED. Did you know you can be working and still be relaxed? God never intended for you and I to go through the days of our life so unsettled. Don’t you know you are way too blessed to be stressed. Stress is the plan of the enemy. Have you fallen into his trap?<br> You see, as long as you are stressed and anxious, you can never be seated in truth. You can never be steadfast in knowing who you are and who’s you are. Today, take a seat in what you know to be true. You are forgiven, you are chosen,