Sammie Collison on Print Media, Cable News Networks and News Based Podcasts – HGG425

Managing Your Home Tech show

Summary: <a class="a2a_dd addtoany_share_save addtoany_share" href=";title=Sammie%20Collison%20on%20Print%20Media%2C%20Cable%20News%20Networks%20and%20News%20Based%20Podcasts%20%E2%80%93%20HGG425" data-a2a-url="" data-a2a-title="Sammie Collison on Print Media, Cable News Networks and News Based Podcasts – HGG425"></a>Jim’s daughter Sammie is back on the show this week with some updates, her thoughts on Northwest Missouri State still using printed papers for distribution, cable news outlets and how she sees podcasting shaping news for the future.  I think you will enjoy the show.<br> <br> <br> <br> Full show notes, transcriptions, audio and video at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a><br> Join Jim Collison / <a href="">@jcollison</a> and Mike Wieger / <a href="">@WiegerTech</a> for show #425 of Home Gadget Geeks brought to you by the Average Guy Network.<br> WANT TO SUBSCRIBE? <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a><br> Join us for the show live each Thursday at 8pmC/9E/1UTC at <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a><br> Podcast, Home Gadget Geeks, Sammie Collison, Samantha Collison, News, Journalists, Journalism, Read, Writing, Story, Paper, Newspaper, Sources, Facts, Ethics<br>  <br> <a href=";utm_source=raf-share&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=clipboard" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Save $40 on your first Box of HelloFresh</a><br>  <br> <br> Jim Collison  [0:00] <br> This is the Average Guy Network and you have found Home Gadget Geeks show number 425 recorded on November 29, 2019.<br> Jim Collison  [0:22] <br> Here on Home Gadget Geeks we cover all your favorite tech gadgets that find their way into your home news reviews, product updates and conversation. All for the average tech guy. I’m your host Jim Collison broadcasting live from the average guy TV Studios, not on a Thursday but on a Friday. I don’t know Sammy, I don’t know if I’ve ever done a Friday maybe I have in the nine years we’ve been doing podcast here but we are here tonight because Thanksgiving us holiday this year and I guess every year it’s a US holiday. And we wanted to get clear but Sammy was home and we talked about lead had of course my daughter Samantha is on and we’d had her on Last summer, I guess right early in the summer was when it was that the last May or June, right? You were just got home from school. And I’m trying to talk her into starting a podcast and but allegedly she’s become a professional podcast guest Sammy, how did that happen?<br> Sammie Collison  [1:16] <br> I wanted to start a podcast for a while. I don’t know exactly what I want to do, what about and so I was like, maybe I’ll just get some experience dabbling and other things. So I guested on Home Gadget Geeks, and really loved that. And then when I got back to school, one of the people who works for the university has a podcast called Northwest connection. And he asked me to be on it. And so I recorded on that. And then two of my co workers started news podcast called the loop and they were like Sammy, you should be on this week. So and now I’m back on Home Gadget Geeks. So this has just become my gig I guess. Yeah, like three podcasts in the past month.