IFB127: High ETF Fees, Diversifying in the 11 Sectors, Lazy or Uninterested?

The Investing for Beginners Podcast - Your Path to Financial Freedom show

Summary: <br> Announcer:                        <a href="https://www.temi.com/editor/t/LxYTVJW0r53NYfAw9TjMnzgyRVFF-utRZ9AqsWKrkS7GXrVF-_R95tOanqldo1LmGfy-i0bw0MetrkfoNSpdsXPCNyA?loadFrom=DocumentDeeplink&amp;ts=0.66">00:00</a>                     You’re<br> tuned in to the Investing for Beginners podcast. Finally, step by step premium<br> investment guidance for beginners led by Andrew Sather and Dave Ahern. To<br> decode industry jargon, silence crippling confusion, and help you overcome<br> emotions by looking at the number, your path to financial freedom starts now.<br> <br> <br> <br> Andrew:                              <a href="https://www.temi.com/editor/t/LxYTVJW0r53NYfAw9TjMnzgyRVFF-utRZ9AqsWKrkS7GXrVF-_R95tOanqldo1LmGfy-i0bw0MetrkfoNSpdsXPCNyA?loadFrom=DocumentDeeplink&amp;ts=35.22">00:35</a>                     All right folks, we’ll welcome to the Investing for Beginners podcast. This is episode 127 tonight, Andrew and I are going to take some listener question and answer them for you. If you are enjoying this show please<a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/investing-for-beginners-podcast-your-path-to-financial/id1210741497"> subscribe</a> for future shows. We’ve got some great questions recently, and so we thought we would read through those and do our a little back and forth and give and take. So Andrew, why don’t you go ahead and read us the first question.<br> <br> <br> <br> Andrew:                              <a href="https://www.temi.com/editor/t/LxYTVJW0r53NYfAw9TjMnzgyRVFF-utRZ9AqsWKrkS7GXrVF-_R95tOanqldo1LmGfy-i0bw0MetrkfoNSpdsXPCNyA?loadFrom=DocumentDeeplink&amp;ts=57.74">00:57</a>                     Sounds<br> good. So this one’s from Stefan L. He says, I’ve been following your podcast<br> and your newsletter for about two or three months now considering signing up<br> for your Eli there, but first and they work out the best way to invest in the US<br> market from abroad. He says, I live and work in Bulgaria. He says I’m<br> interested in investing in the S and P 500 during the dollar-cost averaging<br> with monthly installments of about $300; however, the options to buy an ETF<br> from a local broker are terrible. They want to charge me 4% commission plus<br> $2.20 per month plus bank transaction and currency exchange fees, which roughly<br> amounts to six and a half to 7% given that the average growth ofS and P 500 is<br> around 8% of the year, I can hardly make any money in the long run.<br> <br> <br> <br> Andrew:                              <a href="https://www.temi.com/editor/t/LxYTVJW0r53NYfAw9TjMnzgyRVFF-utRZ9AqsWKrkS7GXrVF-_R95tOanqldo1LmGfy-i0bw0MetrkfoNSpdsXPCNyA?loadFrom=DocumentDeeplink&amp;ts=104.81">01:44</a>                     Have<br> another option to buy stocks slush funds through interactive brokers where I’ll<br> costs amounts of two and a half to 3% however, based on the audiobooks that<br> I’ve been listening to money mastering the...