Collision Course - Not Rush Hour

Stinker Madness - The Bad Movie Podcast show

Summary: <p>Nothing says comedy team-up like when a street-wise cop has to be the American ambassador to a martial-arts packing fellow officer from the East to take down an international crime syndicate. Boy that sounds familiar. Unfortunately for everyone involved, this is NOT <em>Rush Hour</em>.</p> <p>All uncanny resemblance to <em>Rush Hour </em>aside, there's not a lot here folks. It's very unfunny (groan-worthy) and pretty uneventful until the last 1/4 (when the movie shifts into a totally dark tone). Its a very slow and rough experience with just a sprinkle of fun, here and there.</p> <p>HOWEVER, there is two show stealing scenes that ALMOST redeem the whole thing and definitely put it up in the fine-line between "do and don't". It still is incredibly close and depending upon the viewer is either going to give it a 50% (a do not) or a 51% (a do). It's that close.</p> <p>So enter at your own risk.</p> <h3>Filmstery - Jimmy Stewart and the Pangboche Hand</h3>