Batman Forever - More butts and nipples!

Stinker Madness - The Bad Movie Podcast show

Summary: <p>It's raining bats! Hallelujah! Nothing needs a little sexy sprinkled into it like Batman. Joel Schumacher decides that what the masses want to see are a bunch of butts in spandex. Now with nipples!</p> <p><em>Batman Forever</em> is a bit of a pill to swallow. Going from the very pale and stark Tim Burton films to this is a complete 180 shift. It's bright, vivid, colorful, loud, and filled with butts. It's like Ricky Martin was a technical adviser. Some might have a serious issue with this.</p> <p>But I ask you one thing to consider upon revisit - is Batman: The Movie not much the same? We see this more of a sequel to the Adam West Batman than anything that Tim Burton or DC Comics had put before it. Under that perspective it's really hard to decide if Schumacher failed there.</p> <p>Is it dumb? Oh yeah. Is it poorly acted? Somewhat, it's a 50/50 split between the good guys and bad guys. Is the writing atrocious? You betcha. But is it generally fun? Is it a fast 2 hours? Does it have Batman (see Batman Returns) - yes, yes and yes this is a Batman movie!</p> <p>Whether it stinks or not is up for debate, but that really is for you to decide for yourself. It walks a very tight rope between being a crummy movie or a wild experiment that succeeds in its goals. We tend to lean towards not stinking.</p>