
Parenting Today’s Teens show

Summary: #2098 Recently, I came across an interesting Time magazine cover. It pictured a child standing like a puppet, with his arms and legs attached to strings … presumably controlled by a parent above. Hi, I’m Mark Gregston … with Parenting Today’s Teens. Well, it seems the world is finally catching on to the folly of over-parenting. I’m talking about the moms and dads who hover over their kids 24/7 … while bending over backwards to meet their every need. What these parents don’t realize, though, is that every little thing they do for their kid … is one more thing they may never learn to do for themselves. So if you’ve been guilty of over-parenting, or smother-mothering … now’s the time to cut the strings! Step back … let go … and give your teen the freedom he needs to become the adult he was meant to be.