Daily Words of the Buddha for October 03, 2019

Daily Words of the Buddha show

Summary: Ye dhammā hetuppabhavā, tesaṃ hetuṃ Tathāgato āha tesañca yo nirodho; evaṃvādī Mahāsamaṇo. Listen Those phenomena arising from a cause, of these the Enlightened One has told the cause and also their cessation; this is the "doctrine" of the Great Recluse. Vinaya 3.60 View Pāli on Tipitaka.org The Discourse Summaries by S.N. Goenka Book Details Pariyatti is a non-profit organization supported by purchases and contributions. http://store.pariyatti.org/donate.html -- Our monthly e-newsletter includes specials from time to time. You can subscribe at: www.pariyatti.org/ResourcesProjects/News/tabid/125/Default.aspx