Teens and Church

Parenting Today’s Teens show

Summary: #2096 According to a recent study, close to 60% of our kids quit going to church after age fifteen. Hi, I’m Mark Gregston … with Parenting Today’s Teens. So what’s the reason behind this mass exodus? Well, I’m sad to hear that many teens see the church as judgmental and irrelevant. To many, the church looks like an elite country club … and those who don’t fit the mold are denied acceptance. Furthermore, kids who struggle often feel alienated at church. And left with a deep sense of shame. Of course, we know these views are skewed. But before we rush to judgment, let’s make sure we have open conversations with our teens about the value of church. Together, as adults, let’s make sure that church remains a safe place for our kids to find acceptance, forgiveness, and love. They need it. And so do we!