Supercomputing as a Service – A Custom IaaS Solution for the SMB Channel

CompTIA EmTechCast show

Summary: The way OrionVM offers infrastructure as a service (IaaS) drives costs down so managed services providers can make larger margins and helps MSPs be more than “just another cloud reseller,” said the company’s CEO and cofounder Sheng Yeo. In this episode of the EmTech Cast, OrionVM CEO and cofounder Sheng Yeo talks with CompTIA communities leader Jim Hamilton about innovation inside commoditization. “We’ve built tech that allows us to sidestep a lot of the scaling problems,” Sheng Yeo said. They discuss ways OrionVM has used supercomputing infrastructure designs to create a place where customers can buy products and services from the providers they love while managed services providers create stickiness through the unique packages they offer. It’s infrastructure as a service (IaaS) done in a whole new way. Hear how OrionVM leveraged supercomputing technologies to offer significant performance improvements to cloud resellers and pay special attention for tips on how MSPs can gain margin on the infrastructure front. For more on OrionVM, visit (