Exploring the Future Gap with James Stanger

CompTIA EmTechCast show

Summary: Emerging technologies like AI and blockchain solve problems in new ways but always seem to be at least a few years from widespread implementation. Technology evangelist James Stanger calls gap between what’s possible and what’s implemented “the future gap.” “There’s technology waiting in the wings, but we’re just not taking advantage of it,” said Stanger, talking with Community Manager Jim Hamilton in this episode of the EmTech Cast. “Consider this: We’ve been talking about ‘the cloud’ for 10 years and we’ve only seen really strong implementation over the last three to five years.” In this episode, brought to you by CompTIA’s Emerging Technology Community, Stanger reveals the ways the future gap is tied to fear, budgets and other gaps that plague technology: the confidence gap, the skills gap and the diversity gap. “We did a root cause analysis for what’s causing these gaps and part of the answer is the future gap,” Stanger said. “The future gap is the uber cause of a lot of these other gaps.” Listen in for Stanger’s three ingredients required for emerging tech trifecta, and stay tuned for tips to test out emerging technology solutions without going all in. Read James Stanger’s full piece on The Future Gap in the latest edition of CompTIA World: https://online.flippingbook.com/view/671008/ (https://online.flippingbook.com/view/671008/) And follow on Twitter and LinkedIn: https://twitter.com/jamesstanger (https://twitter.com/jamesstanger) and https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesstanger/ (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesstanger/)