Sick Of Being Stuck. Real, Life Coach Help in real Time

Progressive Parenting show

Summary:   After years of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results I have finally decided to call in an expert. 30 self help books later I am still not the person I want to be. I feel like I am stuck and I want out! So I called Christy Farr, she is a life coach who I have featured on my radio show Progressive Parenting. So here I am at the beginning of a new Journey for me. This first step has been so hard to make. I HATE asking for help. I HATE admitting I may need help, with anything including; lifting furniture, opening jars, or even breastfeeding!  But I've made that first step. Maybe it was hard to make because I knew if I did it I would have to share it. How can I go around telling parents they aren't alone and not share this journey of change with my readers/listeners? So I will be doing this under a magnifying glass, but I have made peace with that (gulp). Tonight will be my first show. Feel free to call in and cheer me on or share your thoughts.