The Diablo Podcast #75: Barbarian Battle Royale

Diablo: IncGamers -  The Unofficial Diablo 3 Site News and Forums show

Summary: Flux is joined by regular guest Xanth and first time guest Sarnakle to discuss all things Barbarian. Why is the class the most popular in the game, what types of play styles are most popular, what are the best and worst (and most fun novelty) skills and rune effects, sword/board vs. dual-wielding vs. two-hander, the best Inferno builds, the magic of Critical Hits, selecting a Fury-spender, defensive options, PvP expectations, and more. There's even a bonus digression into Diablo III's lacking multiplayer incentives, which are largely responsible for the lack of public games (especially in Inferno Hardcore) and how that could be addressed by the developers. As with the last podcast focused on the Demon Hunter, we made an effort to explain the basics and to keep the conversation accessible to even non-Barb experts. You'll probably still benefit by referring to a full list of Barbarian skills and passives while you listen. If you really want to educate yourself, you should skim over AlexanderBaron's titanically-informative Hardcore Barbarian guide, as it's referred to several times during the conversation. Due to a technical issue, the audio of both guests is about .25 seconds ahead of Flux's, so a few times they seem to answer questions before they have been completely asked. (Either that or they're both impatient psychics.) This is most noticeable during the intro chat, but isn't an issue for 99% of the show. The Diablo Podcast Episode Guide in the wiki provides easy navigation with a short summary of every show. Listen and subscribe through iTunes. View video versions of all The Diablo Podcasts on You Tube, via our all-encompassing Diablo3Inc channel.