Leslie Lennox

The Atlanta Foodcast: A Food Podcast show

Summary: Leslie Lennox started making pesto when she and her family purchased a home here in Atlanta — back in the late 90s. This wasn’t just any home, though. It came with a 1200sqft greenhouse which was pretty prolific in terms of basil production. Fast forward to 2007, she, her husband, and daughter, Hope, start selling their pesto, Hope’s Gardens Pesto, at the Peachtree Road Farmer’s Market during their first season. They were a part of the market for many years and, since, Leslie hasn’t slowed down on pesto — now for 20 years. So much, in fact, that she just released a book entitled Pesto: The Modern Mother Sauce. I’m a big fan of Leslie, friends. She and her husband were a part of things back in 2007 that helped shape much of what we’re reaping the benefit of today. Leslie was in town recently for this conversation so I could hear her story and learn more about her book.