Ep 53: Boredom, wandering, and white space

Heartful: living a wildly creative life show

Summary: Boredom is almost extinct in our modern lives + we’re paying the price in our creative work. If you’re bored with your creative output, the ironic cure might be actively seeking out boredom, white space, and wandering. But HOW can we include these when we hafta get.stuff.done? And when does wandering become just avoiding our creative work and giving into resistance? In this episode you’ll learn: -why giving yourself breaks + white space isn’t just a luxury but is absolutely necessary -why your relationship with time is messed up + how to fix it so you can enjoy the entire process more (in life and art) -the easy-peasy baby step to take now to get more boredom + white space into your life -how wandering aimlessly can amp up your creativity (just ask creative big shots like Walt Whitman, Henry David Thoreau, Aristotle, and Beethoven) Mentions: https://time.com/5480002/benefits-of-boredom/ https://qz.com/1020976/the-scientific-link-between-boredom-and-creativity/ Wander society book: https://www.amazon.com/Wander-Society-Keri-Smith/dp/0143108360 Small move, big change book: https://www.amazon.com/Small-Move-Big-Change-Microresolutions/dp/0670015342 The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks: https://www.amazon.com/Big-Leap-Conquer-Hidden-Level/dp/0061735361/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2B8IRZE4N3FGH&keywords=the+big+leap+by+gay+hendricks&qid=1568229959&s=books&sprefix=big+leap+gay%2Cstripbooks%2C209&sr=1-1 http://brookeschultzphotography.com/webinar/