167: Five Year Anniversary - Time For Change

Loud Pipes! show

Summary: <h3>TOPICS:</h3> <ul> <li>Five Year Anniversary</li> <li>Changes to show format <ul> <li>Introducing Bacon as regular co-host, previous appearances: <a href="https://www.loudpipes.net/91" rel="nofollow">91</a>, <a href="https://www.loudpipes.net/115" rel="nofollow">115</a>, <a href="https://www.loudpipes.net/120" rel="nofollow">120</a>, <a href="https://www.loudpipes.net/128" rel="nofollow">128</a>, <a href="https://www.loudpipes.net/129" rel="nofollow">129</a>, <a href="https://www.loudpipes.net/141" rel="nofollow">141</a>.</li> <li>Record less often, but foster deeper conversation</li> <li>Patreon closed, move to direct <a href="https://www.loudpipes.net/donate" rel="nofollow">value for value model</a> </li> <li>Support model will evolve and some things remain like the clubhouse for all existing Riders of Loud Pipes</li> </ul> </li> <li>Look back at our changes over the past five years <ul> <li>Rico: started with Yamaha R6 and moved to an Indian Roadmaster</li> <li>Rich: started with KLR650 and H-D Deuce, moved to Yamaha R6 and Honda Interceptor</li> <li>Jon: the surprise of the decade with buying his first Spyder in year one</li> </ul> </li> <li>Rich completes track day #3 with <a href="https://www.n2td.org/" rel="nofollow">N2 Track Days</a> at <a href="https://www.carolinamotorsportspark.com/" rel="nofollow">Carolina Motorsports Park</a> <ul> <li>New stickers for track bike courtesy of <a href="https://www.highsidephoto.com/" rel="nofollow">Highside Photo</a>, thanks Raul Jerez </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p><img src="https://files.fireside.fm/file/fireside-uploads/images/e/e9f8d2eb-9140-4ae8-8ade-c38bd0c47027/rpxJYFJd.jpeg" alt="Rich at CMP with N2 Track Days - August 30, 2019"><br> photo: Raul Jerez - <a href="https://www.highsidephoto.com/" rel="nofollow">Highside Photo</a></p> <ul> <li>Jon road to <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humpback_Covered_Bridge" rel="nofollow">this bridge</a> over weekend </li> </ul> <h3><a href="https://www.loudpipes.net/donate" rel="nofollow">Support for episode 167</a></h3> <ul> <li>Dillon J</li> </ul> <p><a href="http://eepurl.com/bFhu-1" rel="nofollow">Subscribe to RDub Studios Insiders Newsletter</a><br> <a href="https://us10.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=8960adadff6c02d243c15c9ed&amp;id=aafc9efc0c" rel="nofollow">Past Newsletters</a></p><p><a href="https://www.loudpipes.net/donate" rel="payment">Support Loud Pipes!</a></p>