Ep 52: Could starting over be the answer?

Heartful: living a wildly creative life show

Summary: Starting over holds all kinds of power for unleashing your capacity to create. But how do you know when to persevere and when to start over? What’s the difference between quitting and starting over because it’s in your creativity’s best interest? And how do we find the courage to start over when it doesn’t make any sense and everyone thinks we’re crazy pants? In this episode you’ll learn: - How to start over on an individual creation (the right way) - How starting over on a big project or abandoning an idea is the key to long term clarity - What to do if you’re sure you’re on the completely wrong track and want to blow up everything in your life - How to start over in long term relationships and why everything we think we want in relationships is wrong Mentions: FREE MASTERCLASS for photographers: http://brookeschultzphotography.com/webinar/ Positive Writer http://positivewriter.com/starting-over-is-essential-to-your-creativity-and-success/ Anne Lamott Bird by Bird: https://wrd.as.uky.edu/sites/default/files/1-Shitty%20First%20Drafts.pdf