Small Favor- Chapters 5, 6, & 7

UNspoiled! The Dresden Files show

Summary: Yes, a thousand times, yes! Check out our sponsor at <a href="" rel="noopener"></a>! <br>This episode is getting into some pretty fun elements now, because we run across Queen Mab (after a wonderful reunion with Toot-Toot that RoShawn was just saying she kinda wanted) and the Queen is calling in one of the three favors that Harry has promised her. He tries to decline, and she successfully...ah...persuades him to reconsider. <br>Then Mab vanishes, and Harry is left face-to-face with not one, not two, but three of the Gruffs that are after him for as yet unknown reasons, and he has to think fast to get out of it. He only just manages to dodge them, but he knows that his luck has to be running low. <br>Thanks so much to everyone for listening, and I hope you enjoy the show!