Weekly Briefing: Friday, August 30, 2019

EE Times Current show

Summary: Homomorphic encryption. It’s… well, it’s really complicated. Just stick around and we’ll explain it all. Chinese memory chip supplier GigaDevices just make a huge splash in China introducing a line of RISC-V microcontrollers – the company claims they’re the first general purpose RISC-V MCUs ever. We’ll discuss why this MCUs are significant. Ultra WideBand is back, this time with some brand new capabilities. NXP and Volkswagen collaborated on a clever anti-theft technique for cars that makes use of the new Ultra Wideband. Today we’ve got a discussion with NXP CTO Lars Reger and Maik Rohde of Volkswagen as they discuss the new anti-theft approach, and also where they plan to take Ultra Wideband next.