Small Favor- Chapters 1, 2, 3, & 4

UNspoiled! The Dresden Files show

Summary: First of all, please check out our cool sponsor, The War For The Tower podcast at <a href="" rel="noopener"></a>! <br>ART CREDIT! <a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br>Hey you people! I am very excited to be starting Book 10 of The Dresden Files, and I can't wait to see what happens because to be honest I HAVE FORGOTTEN. <br>These chapters were short (chapter 2 was like 3 pages long) so we decided to go ahead and cover 4 of them instead of the usual 3. The first thing to happen is an attack by what we later find out are Gruffs, and Bob is super tickled by the fact that Dresden was given two black eyes by a fairy story character. <br>Then Harry goes to investigate a crime scene with Murphy, which is definitely arson, but seems to be some kind of strange pentacle, which could have been to summon something, to trap something, to open a door, or protect. Harry is a little shaken by it because whomever did this has managed to wipe their magical prints from the scene, which he didn't even know was possible.<br>Thanks so much for listening, and I will see you soon with a new episode!