JE012: the fourfront // four trends we are watching develop

upside show

Summary: On today's episode, we analyze four predominant themes we've encountered lately in the startup and investing arena. Our four on the fore includes: 1.) hiring talent 2.) the growing trend of remote work 3.) frustrations with information inaccessibility 4.) and our takes on specialized funding. We discuss: - Transitioning the podcast planning to Airtable (00:25) - Talent: the importance of hiring talent from the get-go and the challenge of hiring talent as companies grow (02:57) - Remote work: the mullet strategy and full distribution model of teams (05:54) - Information accessibility: the plethora yet inconstancy of available information and some of the available search engines (11:07) - Foreshadowing of our new project that compiles lists of venture capital firms (13:37) - Specialized funding: different types of specialized funding and potential interests and harms (16:48) Follow upside on Twitter: