A D.I.Y. Parenting Project

Parenting Today’s Teens show

Summary: #2072 If the paint on the side of your house began to peel … or the roof started leaking … or your porch light burned out … would you just sit around and do nothing? Of course not! Hi, I’m Mark Gregston … with Parenting Today’s Teens. When things start to fall apart around the house, we instinctively grab a screwdriver, reach for a paintbrush, or do whatever it takes to get things back in order. And in like manner … our relationships need maintenance, too! Has your relationship with your teen become damaged by conflict, tension, or poor communication? Sounds like it’s time for a little home improvement! Take on this important do-it-yourself project … before it’s too late. Read a good book. Attend a helpful seminar. And above all … keep reaching out to your teen.