Star Wars Destiny 2.0 - Epic Characters? Sideboards? 40 Card Decks? FFG Hires The Thunda?

Discard to Reroll - Star Wars Destiny show

Summary: Like X-Wing, Destiny is due for a 2.0 refresh. Join us as we predict the top changes we think will help Star Wars Destiny become an even better game for years to come. Plus, The Thunda throws down the gauntlet on CC's announcing what decks they will be on before major tournaments, and, we prepare Josh (aka BananaCrapshoot) for his big coming out party at the 2019 NOVA Star Wars Destiny Grand Championship. Join our 100% free discord at, get some killer Destiny-friendly swag at, and, join our patreon at - thank you to our lifetime supporters that help make this show possible. We couldn't do it without you!