
Parenting Today’s Teens show

Summary: #2071 When every conversation with your teen about rules and boundaries turns into a battle of wills … it’s easy to feel like tossin’ in the towel. Hi, I’m Mark Gregston … with Parenting Today’s Teens. Teens are known for testing boundaries. But it is possible to handle their moans and rolling eyes in a way that maintains relationship … without backing down. And one of my favorite ways to do that is with the word “nevertheless.” Here’s how it works. Instead of saying, “No, you can’t go see that movie.” Say, “Sweetheart, I’m aware your friends think it’s a great movie, and they may be right, nevertheless … our rule is that we don’t watch R-rated movies.” So the next time you get pushback from your teen over rules or curfew … try responding with “nevertheless.” You’ll be amazed how one simple word can turn the tide.