3 ways to get paid more as an author or speaker. #blackwomenequalpayday

The #SpeakEasy Podcast show

Summary: #blackwomenequalpayday is a hot button topic centered around equal pay for equal work. Twitter and Facebook were all a buzz with the discussion and as an African American woman I have seen my fair share of this. What people often don't talk about is how this happens in areas outside of corporate america. I have had some hard headed and soft behind moments that opened my eyes to three key elements that can make a huge difference. <br><br>Ask - Asking for what you want and being okay to walk away from things that don't line up. <br><br>Research - So you know current trends, topics and can show up as the expert in your industry.<br><br>Network - Oh this is the one where many fall short. Networking is more than sharing a business card and requires real conversations online and offline. <br><br>These three things may seem like simple tasks to implement but I can guarantee that many Speakers and Authors are lacking in at least one of them. Why, you may be asking. Well, to put it simply, we are heavily comparing ourselves instead of being the expert in our industry. I see it time after time where we settle because of lack of confidence in our own knowledge. <br><br>The shift from doing this as a hobby and doing this as a full time business is found in these three actions. Don't believe me? Getting started now on doing all three CONSISTENTLY and then let me know what happens. You will see a significant change in engagement and opportunities. I know that I did. I would love to hear your experience with not being paid what you were worth. <br><br>Altovise Pelzer is an Award winning Speaker, Author, Live Streamer, Coach and founder of the World Voice League. She also hosts the #SpeakEasy Podcast, your #1 Podcast for unscripted perspectives on becoming and staying a successfully paid Author or Speaker. At her core, she is mom of four, will break out into impromptu dance parties, take a beach trip or read a book.<br><br>Homelessness and molestation greatly affected Altovise. She hit a turning point in her life after decades of being silent about her molestation story even after finding out both her girls were molested. This was the catalyst for her decision to motivate women to “Leverage Their Life’s Circumstances” by learning to love their voice. She takes women from abuse to applause by equipping them to Define, Accept and Use their Voice as a Speaker, Author or Entrepreneur. <br><br><br>Social Media<br><a href="http://www.instagram.com/worldvoiceleague" rel="noopener">www.instagram.com/worldvoiceleague</a> <br><a href="http://www.facebook.com/worldvoiceleague" rel="noopener">www.facebook.com/worldvoiceleague</a>