Grace for a Mom's Heart-Psalm 4 (Podcast 81)

The Durenda Wilson Podcast show

Summary: Welcome to my new devotional series created for ALL moms! I often speak to homeschool moms, but this series is for any mom out there who wants to grow in her walk with the Lord and her understanding of the Word as it pertains to motherhood! Please share with your mom friends!  Have you ever dealt with false and groundless accusations that have been made against you? I doubt one of us would answer no to this question. It seems to be a common experience and, quite frankly, it really stinks. As a mom who tries to live an exemplary Christian life, it can be a real blow to be accused of something you didn’t do or say or even think. I liken it to feeling like you have been broadsided by a bus. It can literally take the breath right out of you. Often it feels like a heavy blanket has been laid over our souls and the burden of it is almost unbearable. Sometimes the accusations don’t come from the outside, but from somewhere deep within us. Things from the past can haunt us: things we’ve done we are ashamed of.  Things that were said to us or done to us. Messages we received verbally or non-verbally, intentionally or unintentionally. But we can be sure of one thing: we know exactly where it originates. (To read this devotional in its entirety, go to