Unreported Bullies

Parenting Today’s Teens show

Summary: #2067 According to a recent study, nearly thirty percent of kids in middle and high school are bullied. But only fraction will ever report it. Hi, I’m Mark Gregston … with Parenting Today’s Teens. I’ve talked to students who were bullied for being adopted, for struggling in school … even for having a mom or dad pass away. There’s truly no wound too deep for a bully to avoid. They spot the pain … and go right for the target. Yet most kids rarely report getting bullied. Sometimes they’re too ashamed to admit it … or they’re afraid of looking weak. Other times, they fear retribution and ridicule. Parents and teachers should be on the lookout for bullies. We might never suspect what’s going on … unless we ask. Find your son or daughter clamming up? Going into isolation? Ask the question. It’s our role to protect our teen.