This English Idiom Says You Cannot Keep A Secret Ep 249

Learn English Through Listening show

Summary: Some people are great at keeping secrets, some are just awful. Which are you? Today we talk about an English idiom that’s used to describe the ‘act’ of telling a secret. We’ve included lot’s of practice sentences and explain how to use it best.<br> This <a href="">Articles Group</a>:<br> <a href="">Last Article</a> In Group:<br> <a href="">THIS WEEKS LINK</a>:<br>  <br> Summary: English Idiom<br> I’m very proud of what we do here at Adept English, it’s fun, it’s hard work but a rewarding job. However, nothing really makes me happier than when I get a message from someone who’s making progress with their English language fluency in the real world.<br> There is just no point in Adept English if real English language students are not being helped by what we do. So when I get a message on Facebook: from one of the many students who listen to our podcasts, or have bought one of our courses and hear that they have passed a test or applied successfully for a new job that required English speaking I’m thrilled.<br> Today it was Alejandro:<br> Hi, good afternoon.<br> I’m writing because I’m very thankful with you and the podcast of Adept English.<br> 7 months ago I started to study English hardly because I wanted to improve my English level. But I noticed that I was improving my grammar, my reading comprehension, my vocabulary, but, I wasn’t able to understand when I listened something and my conversation wasn’t fluent.<br> So, I discovered Adept English and, since the first Podcast that I listened. I loved Hillary, her voice and her method.<br> Rapidly I noticed that my listening skills was improving very fast and so my fluency. <br> Even I subscribed to the free Seven Rules of Adept English and I bought the 500 most common words in English course.<br> Now, I’m applying for a job and I did my English Test. The result is level C2.<br> I’m very happy, and proud of myself... But specially, I’m very thankful for the Adept English method and the material for studying and develop the English learning.<br> Makes me so happy reading that. Thanks Alejandro for believing in our system of learning and well done to you! Your hard work paid off. Good luck to you.<br> <br> <br> <br> If you need to understand more about our teaching technique, then listen to <a href="">this</a> podcast which explains how to get the best out of our podcasts. Or sign up for our FREE 7 rules of Adept English video course <a href="">here</a><br> We provide over 200 FREE English language conversation and video lessons to help you learn the English language. If you do not like this one then you can visit <a href="">this</a> page to choose from 100's of English lessons with lots of different topics . So why not learn English the easy and FREE way?<br> We try to make ourselves as accessible to everyone who wants to learn to speak English fluently. You can find us on these popular social media sites:<br> ✭ <a href="">Facebook</a>:<br> ✭ <a href="">Twitter</a>:<br> ✭ <a href="">YouTube</a>:<br> We are also on these popular streaming services:<br> ✪ <a href="https://open."></a>