Make change sustainable, a conversation with Jay Williams, author of Leave Your Mark.

Shop Talk - A podcast for the Beauty Industry, by 124GO show

Summary: <p><strong>Performance, Behavior, Emotion, Behavior... If you listen to the first 5 minutes of this conversation Jay Twists our minds by exposing mistakes that we have been making in the hair industry for clost to 60 years. </strong></p> <p>Jay explains and illustrates why and how we have been falsely incentivising our salon teams using contests, commission and coercion. He goes on to share, before we shift our thinking we have to understand it, validating how thinking drives emotion and emotion drives performance. He also shares how to take an idea and make it applicable to our day to day lives. </p> <p>Purchase Jays book Leave Your Mark and connect with him @ <a href=""></a> <strong>All profits go to stopping human trafficking</strong>. </p> <p>If you enjoyed this episode, let us know in instagram <a href=""></a> and visit our website <a href=""></a></p>