White Night- Chapters 40, 41, 42, & 43

UNspoiled! The Dresden Files show

Summary: Check out our sponsor at warforthetower.com! Maybe become a part of the show!<br><br>I don't know who to credit for the artwork on this episode, so if any of you know, please share and I will be sure to add their name and a link! <br><br>This is the final episode of coverage of White Night and I'm really surprised at how much more I enjoyed this book on the reread compared with what a slog it felt like going through it alone. I'm delighted with RoShawn's reactions to some of the revelations this episode, but of course the major reveal is the fact that Lasciel is no longer in Harry's head. That was the last thing she ever expected. <br><br>Thank you all so much for listening and supporting us as we've gone on this ride, and I can't wait to get into the double-digit books with you. See you next week!