Leveraging 2 cents by becoming the best version of yourself with Kai Yaniz

The #SpeakEasy Podcast show

Summary: When it comes to giving your 2 cents it may often seem like you are walking across thin ice. This is even more evident when share advice with those who are closest to you. As a speaker, have you looked at what you share on stage as your 2 cents? Many don't. We have been taught that we are to show up as the expert in a certain industry but very few are taught how that information will be received. Honestly we don't know. <br><br>Once you begin to do work on yourself then how you interact with others will change. That will include how you speak to people and share your 2 cents. There is a shift from talking at people to bringing people into your journey through storytelling. So many believe that storytelling is just the art of being able to tell someone your message with memorable stories but it goes a little deeper. You actually share your wisdom with each story. <br><br>Today's guest, Kai, is sharing how her journey lead her to getting to version 2.0 of herself and what it means for her family. She shares how the experiences of life can change you and inspire other people. <br><br>Kai E Yaniz is a native-born Floridian. She loves to travel, read, make others laugh, and save money. She considers herself a consummate teacher about life and personal relationships. She resides in sunny Tampa, Florida with her husband and daughter.<br><br>Social Media Handles (LinkedIn, Facebook etc.)<br>LinkedIn: <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/kai-yaniz-mba-cams-a34b842/" rel="noopener">https://www.linkedin.com/in/kai-yaniz-mba-cams-a34b842/</a><br>Twitter: @thevaultkeyllc<br>Facebook: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/kproctor3" rel="noopener">https://www.facebook.com/kproctor3</a>