HPC Market Eyes $44B in 5 Years

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Summary: HPC Market Eyes $44BNew report from Hyperion Research has the HPC+AI market growing to $44B, with a B, in 5 years. The industry is hitting on all cylinders, benefiting from The ExaScale race,AI coming to the enterprise only to find that it needs, or really is, HPC, depending on your point of view, andit's usual, sometimes slow but always steady, growthThe big news continues to be AI fundamentally bringing HPC closer to the mainstream of enterprise computing whether it is on-prem, in a co-location facility, or in a public cloud. All of this is starting big changes in the industry. We see this in mergers and acquisitions (basically new companies), new technologies, new architectures, and new business models. An example of the latter is the loosening of chip licensing, with open source models starting to get attention. Unlike open source software, however, silicon needs a fab, and the necessary electronic design automation software applications don't have equivalent open source alternatives. Catch of the WeekHenry:Following a supply chain security breach, Henry predicts that standards bodies like NIST and ISO will become even more active in this area with guidelines for hardware, software, and processes. Shahin:Shahin talks about Apple's design chief, Jony Ive, leaving the company and shares some jokes on social media that fall flat for Dan and Henry, who probably claim it has nothing to do with them being such PC aficionados. Jony Ive, Designer Who Made Apple Look Like Apple, Is Leaving to Start a FirmJony Ive, Apple’s chief design officer and one of the most influential executives in the history of the Silicon Valley giant, is leaving the company. Mr. Ive will depart this year to start his own design company, Apple said on Thursday. Through his new firm, LoveFrom, Mr. Ive will continue to work on a wide range of Apple products, the company said.Dan:Dan concludes the show without a "catch" this week! Listen in to hear the full conversation. Download the MP3 * Subscribe on iTunes * RSS Feed Sign up for our insideHPC Newsletter