Raised with lack of confidence: A man’s story of street life, abuse, then finding God

CCL Show | Personal Development using Astro-Numerology show

Summary: Reading Time: 1 minuteOn this podcast we are in for a story of a man that made it through a very dificult background. Being adopted, having an abusive Father, street trouble and low self-esteem were just some of the challenges in his life.<br> Through all that, he was able to find his way out by connecting to the spirit. Join us as we review this man’s career and personal story.<br> Its all about overcoming<br> Guest: Actor and Entrepreneur, Eric James Morris<br> <br> * <a href="https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8252717/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow">Eric James Morris actor profile</a><br> <br> Want to be a guest and share your message, story or method? <a href="https://coreconfidencelife.com/guest">Fill out the application! We would love to have you as a guest!</a><br> Support The Space For men,/span&gt;<br> If you enjoy the interviews and stories on the show, <a href="https://coreconfidencelife.com/support">you can help us grow with your support</a><br>  <br>