Lessons from a quitter. Lessons I've learned two years after leaving my full time job.

The #SpeakEasy Podcast show

Summary: There are so many things that influence you to quit the journey and many times those situations are out of our control. Ultimately we are left with the daily decision of quitting or pressing forward. There is a running joke about entrepreneurs questioning if they will be a stripper day to day because of the struggles. Funny as it is, there is a lot of truth to that scenario. It gets even more intense when you add in being a single mom, being a full time entrepreneur as opposed to part time and bills! Oh ......... the many many bills! Sheesh...........it had be a battle to stay in the game. <br><br>One of the most valuable things to do is to determine what quitting will leave you with.<br><br>Quitting leaves us vulnerable to outside sources attempting to redefine who we should be. Quitting leaves our legacy collecting dust on a shelf<br>Quitting means we take our wisdom to the grave<br><br>Quitting took on a whole new understanding when I chose to quit my job of four years to pursue my desire in helping women find their voice. Yea, the same face you just made is the one many people who loved and supported me had. A few extra prayers went up on my behalf but ultimately I had a great support system during this shift. <br><br>Here I am three years later and if I had not of quit when I did then I would be looking for a new job. I found out this year that the company I was working for for was shutting their doors. Wow. Talk about being thankful for making the right choice. In this episode I share with you some of the fears and lessons that I have learned in the years since I quit.<br><br>Altovise Pelzer is a Best-Selling Author, Professional Speaker, Live Streamer, Life Coach and founder of the World Voice League. She also hosts the #SpeakEasy Podcast, your #1 Podcast for unscripted perspectives on becoming and staying a successfully paid Author or Speaker. At her core, she is mom of four, will break out into impromptu dance parties, take a beach trip or read a book.<br><br>Homelessness and molestation greatly affected Altovise. She hit a turning point in her life after decades of being silent about her molestation story even after finding out both her girls were molested. This was the catalyst for her decision to motivate women to “Leverage Their Life’s Circumstances” by learning to love their voice. She takes women from abuse to applause by equipping them to Define, Accept and Use their Voice as a Speaker, Author or Entrepreneur. <br><br><br>Social Media<br><a href="http://www.instagram.com/worldvoiceleague" rel="noopener">www.instagram.com/worldvoiceleague</a> <br><a href="http://www.facebook.com/worldvoiceleague" rel="noopener">www.facebook.com/worldvoiceleague</a>