Knocking life's curve balls out of the park and Going All In with: Dr Jeremy Robertson

Go All In show

Summary: Have you ever had the rug pulled out from under your feet? Suddenly life throws you a curve ball like you never ever expected. Most of us have, and it is how we choose to react to these events that really defines us. Choosing to get angry, to get revenge, to move on or to wallow in a pity party are all options that each and every one of us have felt at some point, especially when things go sideways in life. Jeremy's life was unfolding according to plan. His job, his lifestyle and his professional development were tracking perfectly towards his destination of choice and one day it was all over. As quickly as I read that sentence, his career was over with an unfavourable medical diagnosis. But Jeremy is not a quitter and despite the pain of having to leave it all behind he moved forward and fully embraced the next chapter of his life. This is an inspirational Go All In story that will get you thinking and asking yourself how you can do more with your life and as you listen in I want you to ask yourself: Are you truly living up to your potential or are you just coasting along in life.