'Jesus, am I going to be next?': Press freedom under attack

Please Explain: Coronavirus Daily show

Summary: For whistleblowers, journalists and democracy, it’s been a confronting few weeks. Last week many of us were disturbed to see the Australian Federal Police raiding two media outlets - News Corp journalist Annika Smethurst and the ABC - using the fig leaf of protecting our national security. This is week Investigations Editor Michael Bachelard speaks with two of the country’s most decorated investigative journalists - Adele Ferguson and Nick McKenzie - about the obstacles they face in breaking the stories that matter to all Australians. Host: Michael Bachelard, Investigations Editor, The Age Guests: Adele Ferguson, senior business reporter, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age Nick McKenzie, Deputy Investigations Editor, The Age Johan Lidberg, Associate Professor of Journalism, School of Media, Film and Journalism, Monash University