Waiting for Penguins

The Wild with Chris Morgan show

Summary: If you are enjoying The Wild and want us to keep on making more episodes, we could really use your help. Please take a few minutes to fill out our <a href="https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=uMFXPa70OUatsTMSrjvIJ0y3PyFS25pMr1Ao2OmurhdUMlNURE02RjQ3WTE2UEhTWUMwUjJETzM0NS4u" target="_blank">listener survey</a>. We’d love to get your thoughts. Thanks! Filmmakers Jeff Wilson and Mark Smith spent four months in a tiny shack in the Antarctic documenting a colony of 500,000 Adelie penguins. They endured 130 mile hour winds, sub-zero temperatures and penguin poop…lots of penguin poop. Jeff and Mark documented penguins in two films, one for the BBC’s Frozen Planet and the other in Disneynature’s Penguins.