Dressing Well

Life Tips on WebmasterRadio.fm show

Summary: Melanie Nayer: Hey, everyone! Welcome to today's Life Tips Show. Today is Wednesday...what is today? March 7th. We're talking about spring fashion which is great because it's 2° here in Boston. So, we're all a little excited for some spring love. That being said, because the man of the hour here at Life Tips, the one who shows all the love to his employees, Byron White. We're so happy to have you here and I know that you love talking about fashion. Byron White: Oh, it's a big subject in my household. It's always a pleasure to be part of a fashion discussion. Melanie: Well, let's talk about fashion for a minute because I love your fashion style especially when you break out the cowboy hat. I always wanted to know, Byron, where did you get the cowboy hat? Byron: Which one? Melanie: The real one. Byron: Well, I don't know if you've seen my Stetson. I save that for special occasions. But you know, there's a little bit of history to that because all my relatives on both sides of my family are from Texas. I have wonderful family pictures that have all of the shindig family gatherings with all the men on horses and big puffy dresses of all the women. Really, these are classic vintage shots. So, I think that it's a genetic thing with me. Cowboy hats are part of my heritage.