77. MONTHLY MEDICINE: June is Radical Spaciousness + Summer Break!

Tarot for the Wild Soul with Lindsay Mack show

Summary: June is a gateway month, presenting us with radical opportunities to receive, inviting us to trust in the space, alignment and sweetness that will present themselves to us. What is our relationship to space? To the idea of “doing nothing?” What are our beliefs about productivity? We are cultivating greater comfort with ease and grace, allowing our nervous system to get used to that alternate rhythm of life. Although our cards and medicine for the month are very sweet, June might feel contractive to some of us. This is appropriate, since we are most certainly building new paradigms with this work. Our stories about what is valuable or superfluous might get shaken up. The invitation of the month might contradict our beliefs about what we believe we have to accomplish/get done. The truth is that we are heading into the zenith of this Empress/Hanged Man year, a year that is here to teach us to become more comfortable with spacious receiving. This is an energetic invitation that will be with us through the summer, that is most definitely ramping up now. We are clearing out the heaviness, and calling in all that fills our cup, embracing radical spaciousness. (And on the topic of radical spaciousness, Tarot for the Wild Soul will be going on summer break! We will be back with Season Two of the podcast on September 1st!) Wild Soul Collective Tarot Reading for the month of June: MEDICINE OF THE MONTH: Six of Cups WHAT WE ARE BEING INVITED TO PAY ATTENTION TO: Six of Wands LESSON OF THE MONTH: Ten of Wands WHAT WE ARE RELEASING: The Tower The Hermit THE SEEDS WE ARE PLANTING/NEXT CYCLE: Six of Pentacles TEACHER: Justice ASTROLOGY FOR JUNE: June 3: New Moon in Gemini June 9: Venus moves into Gemini June 17: Full Moon in Sagittarius June 21: Summer Solstice/Sun moves into Cancer/Neptune Retrograde (in Pisces) NOURISHING THE WILD HEART: Working with the Sweet Cards of the Tarot (Enrollment ends June 13th!) https://lindsaymack.com/nourishingthewildheart INTERVIEW ON LIVING IN THIS QUEER BODY: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lindsay-mack-this-wild-body/id1462086436?i=1000439999854 CYCLES OF EVOLUTION BY ERIN AQUARIAN: http://www.erinaquarian.com/shoppe/life-and-year-analysis TAROT OF THE HOLY SPECTRUM: https://www.instagram.com/holyspectrumtarot/ ABOUT THE PODCAST Hosted by intuitive tarot reader, holistic counselor and teacher, Lindsay Mack, Tarot for the Wild Soul is a weaving of deep conversations with folks who use Tarot in their lives, channeled energetic offerings, intuitive readings on the months ahead, and mini Tarot lessons. ABOUT LINDSAY Lindsay is an intuitive tarot reader, holistic counselor, teacher and writer based in Brooklyn, NY. She is the founder of Wild Soul Healing and Tarot for the Wild Soul, as well as the host of this podcast. She has been studying and reading Tarot for over 20 years. As a joyful and healthy survivor of childhood abuse & PTSD, Lindsay is passionately dedicated to honoring and helping to bring space, light and healing to those who are experiencing mental, emotional or physical suffering. It is an organic part of her healing work with the Tarot, and she is honored to be sharing these offerings to those who feel called to them. WEBSITE: www.lindsaymack.com INSTAGRAM: @wildsoulhealing PODCAST ART: Chelsea Iris Granger PODCAST EDITOR: Chase Voorhees