BrainyFlix SAT Vocab Contest

Black Talk Radio Network show

Summary: BrainyFlix is helping kids prepare for the SAT* by offering fun & free vocab videos, made by YOU! While the contest is now closed, it has moved to the judging phase and they need your help in deciding the winner! Voting is now open and will run until April 12, 2009. For more information check out BrainyFlix Online! The mission of is to make learning SAT vocab as free and fun as possible through the power of user-generated content. We're currently hosting a nationwide vocab video contest sponsored by MIT and have received 800 videos! Between now and April 12, the public will be voting to determine the winner of a small cash prize. Brainyflix is run by Nori Yoshida and Jack Yu -- two college buddies from MIT who graduated in '01. Nori is a serial entrepreneur whose last company got acquired by Salesforce. He's started numerous websites and companies - 2 of which became profitable or were sold. He resides in the Bay area. Jack has been heavily involved with community service activities at MIT both as an undergrad and alum. Before BrainyFlix, his interest in public service & technology sparked an interest in improving education via the web - specifically, teaching free SAT lessons online at YouTube. The two friends have always been interested in working together and felt like BrainyFlix could be a great public service project with potential as a viable social venture.